Do Not Argue - No Arguements Needed Graphic

  • If add=TRUE is not provided (and you are using base graphics) then use par(new=TRUE) prior to the plot call. You will need to suppress the xlab, ylab and other stuff that might interfere or overlay existing annotation, and I did leave the ylab untouched to illustrate why that warning is needed.
  • Argument, the first premise (“All pets are cats”) is not true; therefore, if I were challenging this argument, that first premise is what I would challenge. The argument is valid as it stands, but it is not true, and therefore not a good argument. (By the way, I do have a pet, as in Premise 2, and my pet is a cat, as in the Conclusion.
  • Critical thinking means being able to make good arguments. Arguments are claims backed by reasons that are supported by evidence. Argumentation is a social process of two or more people making arguments, responding to one another-not simply restating the same claims and reasons-and modifying or defending their positions accordingly.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. International trade - International trade - Arguments for and against interference: Developing nations in particular often lack the institutional machinery needed for effective imposition of income or corporation taxes (see income tax). The governments of such nations may then finance their activity by resorting to tariffs on imported goods, since such levies are relatively easy to administer.

Your Pro-Choice Cheat Sheet: How to Respond to Anti-Abortion Arguments

Posted by Robyn

March 17, 2015

Last week, my school was “lucky” enough to play host to an anti-abortion group called Creating Equal. The group stopped by for two days as part of their annual “justice ride,” in order to spread propaganda and put down the pro-choice movement.

Their argument was based on the fact that abortion is “ageism” and the group showed pictures of “abortions,” as well as a video of what an abortion looks like (on a large screen in the middle of campus, no less). Deif silicon laboratories driver.

When students realized what was happening, they formed a counter-protest, complete with safe spaces to help those who were triggered by the images. Arguments over ethics and the pro-choice movement littered Facebook and one counter-protest participant admitted that an anti-abortionist had her talking in circles.

I get it. Talking pro-choice can be hard, especially if you don’t have a fact sheet in front of you or you have trouble thinking on your feet.

Here are some of the more common anti-abortionist arguments that I heard, as well as responses for you to keep in your back pocket:

“If you have sex, you have to be prepared to be responsible for the outcome of your actions.”

Not all people who have sex choose to get pregnant, and even those who do should not be forced to continue a pregnancy. This essentially shames people for enjoying sex and makes it all about reproduction rather than pleasure or connecting with a partner. I would also argue that it is more responsible for a person to have an abortion if they know that they cannot care for or support a child. The American foster and adoption systems are already very full, and there are not necessarily government systems (welfare, universal healthcare, etc.) that might provide for a child. Abortion might very well be the most responsible decision for a person.

“How is it right for someone to decide whether an innocent and defenseless child can live? All humans are created equal.”

Do Not Argue - No Arguments Needed Graphic Representation

An important thing to remember about pregnancy is that fetuses are dependent on the pregnant person’s body in order to stay alive. And because of an idea called bodily autonomy (i.e. the reason that you can’t be forced to donate organs even if it would save a person’s life), we cannot make a person continue a pregnancy when they do not want to. I would also point out that it isn’t right for someone to decide whether a person has to continue a pregnancy that might negatively impact them physically, socially and financially.

“I’m okay with abortion in the case of rape, but that’s it.”

We already know that many people who are raped don’t report it, so this would make it impossible for even people who actually have been assaulted to prove that they are “worthy” of an abortion. Also, lives conceived through rape are fundamentally no different than fetuses conceived otherwise, so this argument destroys the “pro-life” belief of many anti-abortionists.

Specific to the demonstration on campus, someone said: “The pictures were graphic, but that’s the truth about abortion.”

Except it’s not. Surgical abortion is actually one of the safest types of medical procedures. Giving birth incurs 13 times more risk of death than having an abortion. Anti-abortionists choose to show graphic images for shock value. Most often, these photos are of miscarriages, late-term abortions (which do not represent the majority of abortions), or are otherwise Photoshopped. The overwhelming majority of abortions are safe, clean and easy—at least, when they are legal.

This isn’t an argument, but one anti-abortionist did mention this to me: “Conception occurs immediately after having sex.”

This isn’t even remotely scientifically correct. This is also assuming that everyone gets pregnant from penetrative intercourse, while many people might choose to get pregnant through other means, like in vitro fertilization. Still, even referencing penetrative sex, conception can happen multiple days after sexual intercourse. This isn’t necessarily an argument, but it was funny to me and serves as a good reminder that many anti-abortionists use incorrect facts and statistics, fallacies in their arguments, and made-up ideas.

If you do get in an argument where you need to defend reproductive justice, relax. It’s easier to make mistakes and to say rash things when you are worked up, so calm down and articulate your viewpoints clearly. You don’t need to include specific facts to make a point (for example, “legal, surgical abortion is actually a really safe procedure” is just as valid as providing the medical risk statistics).

If you are interested in looking up statistics, or looking up more reproductive justice talking points, I recommend pro-choice research sites. This article also covers more anti-abortion arguments and what you should say in response, as this is certainly not an exhaustive list.

What are your go-to talking points when discussing pro-choice and reproductive justice?

ChoiceWords Blog

ChoiceWords is a blog that highlights the views of young people on issues related reproductive justice and gender equity.

Student Journalist Profiles


The BOINC client software on Windows and Mac OS X includes a screensaver program, which you can select as your screensaver.

On Windows:

  • Right-click on the desktop.
  • Click Personalize, select Screen Saver, and select BOINC.

On Mac OS X:

  • Under the Apple menu, select System Preferences.
  • Click on Desktop & Screen Saver.
  • Select BOINCSaver from the list of screen savers.

On Linux:

This is a XScreenSaver compatible BOINC screensaver for Unix/X11.

To use this screensaver, please add the following to the 'programs' preference in your .xscreensaver file:

  • GL: boincscr -root n

If your BOINC directory differs from /var/lib/boinc, you can use the -boinc_dir command line argument.

When run, this screensaver connects to the BOINC client via RPC, asks for graphics providing tasks and starts a random graphics application. The window created by the graphics application is then searched for using X11 window properties, such as 'WM_COMMAND'. Not every graphics application seems to support this, but this method has been successfully tested with Einstein@Home and When the graphics application window has been found, it will be embedded into the XScreenSaver-provided fullscreen-window, the root window, the preview window or a newly created window, depending on the environment, using the XEMBED method.

NOTE: BOINC runs even if you don't use the screensaver.

Screensaver Modes

The BOINC screensaver has 3 modes:

  • The overview screensaver displays general information, such as the BOINC status, a list of projects, etc.
  • The project graphics display the graphics for one of the currently running tasks, e.g., SETI@home. However, many projects do not have screensaver graphics.
  • The screensaver coordinator controls the screensaver, selecting either the default screensaver or project graphics. It appears when neither the overview screensaver nor project graphics are available, and displays a moving BOINC logo with messages such as 'Connecting to BOINC application' or 'BOINC screensaver loading.'

Screensaver Settings

By default, the screensaver switches among the overview screensaver and project graphics periodically. The overview screensaver also runs when no project is contemporaneously running (e.g., if BOINC is suspended), or when none of the currently running projects supports screensaver graphics. Elitegroup computer systems co ltd.

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You can control how the BOINC screensaver switches among its modes.

  • On windows, click Settings in the Screen Saver Properties window.
  • On Mac OS X, click Options in the Screen Saver control panel.

The settings are:

  • Blank screensaver after: To reduce the processing power used by the screensaver, you can set it to blank the screen after the specified number of minutes. Reducing the processing power used by the screensaver makes more processing power available to BOINC projects. If you choose never, the screensaver will continue displaying graphics indefinitely.
  • Run BOINC/overview screensaver for: selects the number of minutes to run the BOINC [overview] screensaver [BOINC screensaver duration] in each cycle. If you choose never, the BOINC screensaver will run only when no project graphics are available.
  • Run project screensavers for: selects the number of minutes to run the project graphics [project graphics duration] in each cycle (assuming project graphics are currently available). If you choose never, project graphics will never be shown. Note: if you set the overview screensaver duration to never, this setting is ignored and project graphics will be shown whenever available (i.e., project graphics duration is effectively infinite).
  • Switch between project screensavers every: selects how often to switch among project graphics within the project graphics duration. This has an effect only if it is shorter than the project graphics duration and only if your computer can run multiple BOINC tasks simultaneously (e.g., if the computer has multiple processors). If you choose never, the project graphics for just one task will be shown for the entire project graphics duration of each cycle, switching only if that task stops running.

Disabling screen saver

On Windows:

Do Not Argue - No Arguments Needed Graphic Designers

  • Right-click on the desktop.
  • Click Properties, select Screen Saver

Do Not Argue - No Arguments Needed Graphic Design

Here you can disable the screen saver by reversing your choice of using BOINC as the screen saver.
Either set it to None for no screen saver at all, or use another (Windows) screen saver instead.

Do Not Argue - No Arguments Needed Graphic Writing

On Mac OS X:

  • Under the Apple menu, select System Preferences.
  • Click on Desktop & Screen Saver.
  • In 10.4/10.5/10.6/10.7, drag the Start screen saver: slider to Never.
  • In 10.8, from the Start after: drop-down list, select Never.

Do Not Argue - No Arguments Needed Graphic Organizer

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